Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Trip To Jogja: Yogyakarta, City of Awesomeness (part 2)

Howdy, yoo. How's life, human!?

Well, if you're not human, how come you read this blog anyway..

This is my second entry for my trip to Yogyakarta. If you haven't read the first, click here!

Let's continue our story.. Here we go..

Me, Gita, Sisca, Dita, and Aya departed from Senen Station at 19.30 pm. It was my second time to taste a trip by train to Yogyakarta. We board the business train. There's not much sightseeing since the window shows pitch, black scenery, which is boring as hell.

Instead enjoying the scenery of train windows, I enjoy the scenery of people inside the train. I see my team chatting, and once in a while I overheard other passengers, for fun. :-P

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Observasi: Tugas 'Spesial'

Halo, dunia!

Gue pengen berbagi mengenai sebuah tugas nih, sebuah tugas yang cukup 'menyenangkan'.

Pada tanggal 12 Mei 2012, mata kuliah Psikodiagnostik diganti dari hari senin minggu depan, menjadi hari sabtu minggu tersebut. Berhubung gue udah berniat dan menjadwalkan diri untuk ikutan lecture sulap dari sebulan sebelumnya, terpaksalah gw nggak ikutan mata kuliah tersebut. Masih ada kok absennya, hoho.

Waktu itu udah sempet ijin juga sama Mas Seta untuk nggak ikutan mata kuliah (walaupun tetep diitung absen, sih..) tapi Mas Seta menjanjikan ada tugas khusus bagi mahasiswa yang nggak ikutan kuliah pada hari itu.

Hari seninnya, dengan riang gembira gue mengumpulkan tugas dari yang seminggu sebelumnya via email, sambil bertanya tentang tugas bagi mereka yang nggak masuk. Gue baru sempet ngecek email hari kamis, berhubung beberapa hari sebelumnya disibukkan oleh beberapa kegiatan.

Ketika gue melihat balasan tugasnya, mata gue langsung terbelak, sempat terjungklang hampir jatoh dari kursi ketika ngeliat tugas yang diberikan.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Trip to Jogja: Between Galauness and Competition (part 1)

Hi guys!
Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Time sure flies, eh?

For those of you who enjoy this blog, I might be using English as a language to post in this blog from now on. I do it because this is one of my method to preserve my english skill. In my daily routine, I rarely using english to interact at all. So, by typing this blog with english language, it will keep my skills 'hot' and get a chance to improve it. But I also love bahasa. Jadi jangan khawatir, bakalan ada beberapa tulisan yang pake bahasa Indonesia juga, kok. Hehehe.

Well, the reason why I didn't post so much yet because there are several issues which is:
  1. Broken heart state negate my mood to write anything at all. (aaaaawwwwwww)
  2. I was joining an event which consume most of my time to prepare it.
  3. The first reason actually contribute more to my absence of creating new post. lol.
Anyway, I want to share you guys a story about the second point. I was joining an Model United Nations event. What's that? Well, it is simply a simulation of United Nations commitee. You become a delegate of a country and act as a delegate to solve worldwide problems. You have to think and act based on your country's stances and create a solution derived from your country's stances, past actions, and acts that have been estabilished. There are numerous event of MUN's. Jogja International Model United Nation (JOINMUN) is one of them. And the story, begin..

It was a week before the competition that the first issue occurs. Well, it is an old tale of someone's love life because I believe most people have gone through this phase. My crush was finally declaring her relationship status with somebody else. It'll be a long, countless words to describe how do I feel about it, so it is better for me to describe it with pictures. Moving pictures.

From outside, I was like:

But from the inside, I was like:

..something like that.

Anyway, the result of that issues is an unbalanced behavior. Sometimes I'm being too happy, but most of the time I'm sad. I tend to loafing around, daydreaming, and being silence most of the time. I can become the most ignorant and most sensitive person at the same time. In psychology, we call that defense mechanism. Defense mechanism are unconscious way to cope with reality and maintain self-image. Defense mechanism occurs when expectations doesn't meet with reality. It mess with our minds and disrupting our personality.

According to Psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud, humans have three kind of personality in their mind. They are Id, Ego, and Superego. Id is a type of personality where passion-including sexual passion-is a main thing that needs to be fulfilled. Ego is a type of personality which bridging the Id to fulfill its passion in realistic, more acceptable way. Superego is a type of personality which store a compositions of values, principles, and customs that determine weather something is right or wrong.

What happens in my mind is a friction between Id and Superego. Id wants me to have the crush as my sweetheart no matter what, but Superego said that taking someone's sweetheart is bad. It affects Ego as a bridge for Id to actualize its passion. Since Ego cannot find more subtle, rational way to do it, the defense mechanism unconsciously occurs. Psychology is interesting, eh? :-) I'll talk about it next time.

Back to topic. After one or two days I realized that I am in unstable condition. But then I remember that I have to  focus on the JOINMUN. I still have few days left, so I am trying to focus on the event.

But instead of focus, I messed up. Pretty badly.

At the day of departure I feel like I forgot to repack something, so I have to re-pack my stuff hastily. It turns out that I bring too many unused things with me, which made my bag extra heavy. I also lost my identity card. I realized it was lost when I am about to depart from campus to stations. So I have to get back home and looking for it. I have to use taxi since I need fast and reliable transportation from campus to home. It turned out I wasted Rp. 100.000,- for an identity card. All things happened because I am not focused.

My mom gives me an advice that in order to succeed doing someting, one must focused their mind to what they do. If they don't focus on what they do, it means they are lying to themselves. After that I was realized that I'm fooling myself if I'm not focused to what I do. I promised myself to focus on this event and put aside everything that has been going on.

Me, Gita, Dita, Aya, and Sisca depart from Jakarta at 19.30 pm from Senen Station. To be continued guys, time to stalk some cute girls. Lol.

Senin, 16 April 2012


Beberapa hari yang lalu, gue membaca buku tahunan gue.

Tau kan, buku tahunan? Itu loh, buku yang diberikan ketika lo lulus SMA yang berisikan biodata teman-teman lo..

Ketika gue membaca buku itu, awalnya sih biasa aja. Malahan, yang gue lakukan adalah: Skimming through the books to find some cute girls who I can date. Berhubung gue udah mulai lebih percaya diri (dan pastinya mereka udah putus dengan pacar lamanya) maka dimulailah proses pencarian gebetan dengan segudang motivasi untuk memiliki pacar.

Bagaimana dengan gebetan yang lama..? Well, it's a long story...


Berawal dari sebuah niat untuk mencari seorang calon kekasih untuk digombalin, ternyata malah berujung menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dalam.

Sebuah flashback.

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Mati Lampu dan Coping Stress

Halo! Udah lama nih nggak update tentang kehidupan pribadi. Ini blog kan isinya nggak cuman artikel yang bermanfaat, tapi juga perjalanan kehidupan seorang manusia super-duper-ganteng-banget-sangkin-ganteng-nya-cewek-pun-segan-mendekati. Mungkin itulah kenapa gue masih single sekarang.

Anyway, beberapa hari ini seringkali mati lampu di rumah gue. Alasan dibalik mati lampu tersebut? Tentunya mati dari pusatnya. Tapi ada hal yang agak ingin gue protes soal mati lampu. Bukan, bukan! Gw tidak menyalahkan bagaimana PLN pusat terpaksa memadamkan listrik yang membuat lampunya mati dan membuat gue mati jadi mati gaya di rumah.

Tapi kenapa orang menggunakan term 'mati lampu' atas ketiadaan listrik yang bersifat sementara di dalam rumahnya?

Logically, kalo cuman lampu aja yang mati, berarti masih bisa dong main elektronik yang lain seperti: Laptop, TV, Playstation, atau kursi pijat elektronik. Tapi, penggunaan dua kata ini yaitu 'mati' dan 'lampu' membuat sebuah jargon bahwa kalo lampunya mati, semua listrik padam.

Again, logically makna dari 'mati lampu' hanyalah ketiadaan cahaya dari sebuah benda yang bernama lampu. Tidak bisa! Indonesia harus kembali ke jalan yang benar! Apa yang akan terjadi bila jargon ini terus menyesatkan anak cucu kita? Bisa-bisa akan terdapat jargon yang lebih aneh dari apa yang ada saat ini! Hal ini tidak bisa dibiarkan! Interupsi, pimpinan..

Ehh, jadi kebawa sidang dramatisir kemarin. #ups
Oke, back to topic..

Minggu, 01 April 2012


Well, psikodiagnostik adalah sebuah mata kuliah yang berhubungan dengan pengukuran dalam psikologi. Psikodiagnostik bertujuan untuk mengukur dan mengetahui keadaan jiwa seseorang. Pada awalnya psikodiagnostik ini hanya bertujuan untuk mengukur perilaku abnormal saja, tapi dengan berkembangnya masa, jadi banyak pula hal-hal yang bisa diukur dalam psikodiagnostik. Kalo dulu cuman bisa mengukur perilaku abnormal dari seorang manusia seperti: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Compulsive Obsessive Disorder, atau Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Kemudian berkembang juga menjadi bisa mengukur tingkat kecerdasan, karakter, dan perilaku individu. Seperti apa yang gue temukan saat ngerjain tugas kemaren, ternyata ada loh alat tes yang bisa mengukur tingkat asosial seseorang. Wow!

Psikodiagnostik yang gue pelajari saat ini adalah merupakan pengenalan tentang alat-alat tes dalam psikologi. Sekedar info, selain mengukur dengan alat tes, para psikolog juga bisa mengukur dengan observasi dan wawancara. Kedepannya sih bakalan ada juga mata kuliah namanya konstruksi alat tes, tapi itu nanti lagi setelah gue melewati mata kuliah lainnya yang pastinya nggak kalah seru (baca: sulit dimengerti, tapi kalo udah mengerti gue menjadi sangat-sangat puas).

Oke, kembali kita membicarakan tentang abnormalitas. Bagaimana sih yang disebut abnormal itu?

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Untitled 1

As I travel deep down into my soul,
I found out that I have a stand in a place,
where darkness posses everything.
Dark, cold feelings makes me shivers as I move forward.
Followed by a thought of doubt,
Should I continue?
The only thing I had is hope.
A hope to find a light.
Her light.